
Showing posts from 2019

Training hard enough?

Are you training hard enough, it’s not all about the hours? We all know the virtues of training hard, every time you look for motivation. You are inundated with quotes about pushing the boundaries, “To train without pain is to train without gain” and so on. All these quotes are relevant and have a very good basis in that they all allude to having to work hard. Hard work is exactly that, it is hard to do! There are so many sailors who spend so much time training but they do it all in their comfort zone. To be able to improve, our training needs to be intense and structured. Even if we do have to have breaks to freshen up and re hydrate more regularly. The level we train at is the level we will race at, it is our default setting. On the racecourse we cannot perform at a higher level than what we know and can physically achieve. So the priority when we train is quality intensive sessions, working through the all the manoeuvres and skill sets required on the racecourse an...