What Kite is right for me?

Cruising Asymmetric So you have been sailing for a little while in your new boat, discovering the joys of sailing as a recent convert or re-embracing the sport of your youth now you have a settled lifestyle. Coming more familiar with the nuances of your craft and developing confidence in your boat handling. The fun of participating in twilight or lower level recreational racing is apparent. What better than a bit of competition? As the racing bug takes hold, we develop the desire to improve our results and start to cultivate rivalries and greater challenges. Sound familiar! A lot of sailors go through this change of role for their boat. I have had more than one boat owner say to me twelve months into a boat ownership, “I should have got the taller rig/ spinnaker /racing sails option”. One of the more frustrating aspects these sailors encounter is running downwind in light to moderate conditions watching the fleet moving further away under spinnaker. Once you have decided...