Wake up and Go Racing Go for a walk around any marina on a Saturday afternoon and you will be struck by the numbers of boats sitting idle in their pens or swinging on their moorings. It always surprises me that these craft sit indolent weekend after weekend. In my line of work I come across all the spectrum of boat owners. From hard-core racing sailors to long distance cruisers, but easily the biggest group would be the recreational sailor. This individual or couple that own the boat see themselves as fun sailors who wants to have a bit of a jaunt with friends on a leisurely afternoon sail or even partake in the odd twilight race. Mention weekend racing and they recoil in horror, no way they can deal with all that angst and screaming with boats crashing and bashing. Let alone the cost of keeping up with the true racers and their arms race mentality as they turn up with their paid hands and the latest genetically engineered tungsten fibred 6 th dimensional mainsail. Not for me the...