Putting it together

We have all been impressed by watching a racing yacht creaming around the top mark with the crew working in harmony. The spinnaker snakes up and bursts open. The headsail comes down. The boat settles quickly and gets on with the race at hand. A tight synchronised crew is probably a boats biggest asset. A tardy one its biggest liability! Getting a successful crew makeup, it takes time and patience. Last edition I wrote about how hard it is to get crew, let along top crew. It is a lengthy process from simply getting a group of people on a boat to making them a competent crew. But one that can be incredibly rewarding! Develop crew tolerantly The reason your new crewmember has joined you is a desire to go sailing, to learn a new activity and to have fun. The owner and existing crew members need to keep this in mind at all times. Keep your sailing upbeat and enjoyable. It is not always idyllic out on the water but even a bleak winter’s afternoon can be a lot of fun and provi...