Third in the series about crewing

The season awaits We have another summer upon us and sailors are stirring from their slumber, some hardy souls may have been sailing over the winter months. But there is no doubt the summer sailing is the focus. What awaits us in the coming season? We are all keen to improve on the previous year. In order to achieve this we need to set goals and intentions in place. For all sailors the reason we go out on the water is because we enjoy it. When setting our aspirations for the coming year we need to understand from which facet of this wonderful sport we derive the greatest pleasure. The appeal of sailing is so broad and it’s so diverse in its relevance to each individual. Some crews will look forward to participating in several regattas or championships with expectations of success. Others would be content to simply be able to fly a spinnaker without a hiccup. It is an interesting conundrum to think about what constitute a good days sailing to you. When you awake on the following d...